Saturday, January 11, 2014

Some of my favorite quotes

This blog has a little bit of everything. From crochet patterns, to art stuff, to even quotes!! I have quite a few favorite quotes that I've either heard or found on Pinterest (a website that I could be on for hours and hours. who couldn't be??) Well here are a list of some of my favorites :)

"You teach people how to treat you by what you allow, what you allow, and what you reinforce." ~ Tony Gaskins.
If you want to be treated a certain way then act that way and don't tolerate anyone treating you a different way if you don't like it.

"Your body can stand almost anything. It's your mind you have to convince." I don't know who this is by but I have learned this in my 4 years of running. Tell yourself you can keep going and it becomes a little easier. This works in many different situations. Try it some time :)

"Success isn't defined by those who fought and never fell, but by those who fought, fell and then rose again." ~ Nastia Luikin
If you've failed again and again but rose up every time and tried again, you have or will succeed at some point as long as you keep trying.

"That's the thing about running: your greatest runs are rarely measured by racing success. They are moments in time when running allows you to see how wonderful your life is." ~Kara Goucher
This is a great way to define running. Sometimes I think we take advantage of the things we can do and those who have lost their legs or are paralyzed know what it's like to not be able to walk. I felt and remembered my runs where I had a hard time better than the ones I trained for. Don't get me wrong those were memorable also but the hard runs are what shows you how wonderful your life really is.

"Do what you love. Love what you do."

That's all I really have quote wise but a lot of these I read when I'm feeling down or unsure of something just because they are inspirational to me :)

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